Patch notes: 0.3.2 New special adventure battles
The focus of this patch was to prepare the android build to be up to standard with the new Google Play regulation. The game client now supports arm64 and as such should work better on all mobile devices that support it.
Other than the neverending updating versions of everything and checking if everything still works with third party libraries, of course i had to do a new feature as well. In accordance with the ancient law of Journey Online, if each patch doesnt have at least one new feature, all players secretly gain access to all the best raids in the game and of course as an evil developer i can not allow that!
Players will now see new XP gain counters for each adventurer after battle. On level ups player will see a bit of a sparkly animation. If an adventurer has reached the max XP value and is ready for an evolve, the bar where the XP is shown will tell you “Ready to Evolve”.
- Battle result now displays XP gained by each adventurer.
- 160 new Adventure battles ranging from rarity 1 to 5.
- 40 new special adventure battles. These adventure battles have a very high drop of one resource. (Example: XP, Gold, TP, …)
- Loading speed of Roster/Inventory greatly increased.
- Group ready window before entering a battle now has a Cancel button. Players can now cancel the battle que and this will result in all players having their que removed.
- Overral gameplay performance increased.
Bug Fixes:
- Powering up an item now disables the hidden window of an item selected. (There was an issue that the selected item didnt update properly while powering up and shown still old values.)
- Rosters and Inventories now properly disables their items if there is a need. (Example: Locked augmented food did not disable the selection action on refresh.)
- Equiping an item that has a higher level requirement, will no longer stick to the adventurer if the player re-chooses that adventurer.
- Corrected the value of GOLD of Powering UP and Selling items.
- Proximity bonuses are now correctly applied to XP.
- Corrected the description wording on Elven Elementalists (AIR) SA.
- Client Framework and all third party libraries have been updated.
- Android build now supports ARM64